Indian Women in STEM: Overcoming Challenges and Driving Innovation

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the importance of gender diversity and inclusion in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) fields. While progress has been made in some parts of the world, women in STEM still face significant challenges, particularly in India.

A recent survey by NTT Data and NLB Services sheds light on some of the key issues that women in STEM face in India. The survey found that the gender pay gap and inflexible work schedules are the biggest obstacles to career growth opportunities. Additionally, many employers report a higher-than-average attrition rate for women, particularly in large multinational corporations and startups.

Despite these challenges, there are reasons for optimism. The survey found that 62% of employers in STEM fields intend to hire more women in FY 2023-24, and 38% of employers plan to increase their STEM women’s representation by up to 20%. Furthermore, nearly 31% of employers plan to initiate programs to attract women returning to the workplace, boosting gender diversity.

There has also been an increase in the proportion of women enrolling in online STEM courses, rising from 22% in 2019 to 32% in 2021. The number of women hired in leadership roles has also increased significantly over the past eight years, shooting up to 24% in 2022, which is 1.36 times higher than in 2015.

However, there is still much work to be done. Employers must take a more proactive approach to support women’s career growth and retention. This can include implementing flexible work policies, ensuring equal pay for equal work, and providing mentorship and leadership development opportunities for women.

Moreover, employers must make diversity an integral part of their organizational culture and values. Gender diversity is not just a social justice issue; it is essential for driving innovation and growth. According to the survey, 58% of employers think that gender diversity can lead to higher revenue growth and the acquisition of top talent. At Pink Hire, we are committed to promoting gender diversity and inclusion in STEM fields in India. Through our services, we help organizations attract and retain top female talent, develop inclusive cultures, and drive innovation and growth. Together, let’s create a more equitable and diverse workplace that unlocks the full potential of our workforce and drives sustainable business success.

About the author

Pink Hire is an inclusive recruitment firm in India specializing in women and senior citizen hiring.
Pink Hire

Pink Hire is an inclusive recruitment firm in India specializing in women and senior citizen hiring. We provide various services to job seekers and employers, including job search, training, and hiring assistance, and executive-level... read more about us...